"Non-Traditional Materials"

On my second or third time here I stuck my hand into an envelope of human hair. I yelped, then was instantly embarrassed. Such a rookie mistake! Well, today it happened again. And I yelped, again.
These two collections alone have included a wide assortment of "non-traditional" materials, at least things that don't have a MARC 007 code for 'physical description', things I don't even know how to describe in a folder list, and things I am not sure if I should remove or leave be. 
Some examples - pressed flowers: The general rule seems to be to remove anything that seems organic and might attract bugs. But what if they're artificial? 
    Knitting instructions
    Quilt Square templates, a.k.a. cardboard triangles
    Human Hair
    Children's Schoolbooks/essays
    Commonplace Books (a word I learned today)
    Newspaper Clippings (unidentified): CHS policy is to photocopy newsprint onto acid-free paper and discard the original. The majority of the clippings I have found leave no clues as to the date or source, though. How do I report this?